DAC 2009 Calls for Papers and Works! (May 1/Dec. 12-15, 2009)

Digital Arts and Culture (better known as DAC) 2009 has announced several calls to entice authors and critics of electronic literature. The conference will be held at UC Irvine December 12-15 and takes for its topic: “after media, embodiment and context.”

First and foremost a night of readings: Electronic Literary Arts Performances, curated by Jessica Pressman and Mark C. Marino.

From the call:

Each performance is limited to 5-7 minutes and should take the form of interactive engagement with the audience and dramatic presentations of creative digital-born works.

Second, two tracks in particular may appeal to ELO folks:

  • Software/ platform studies, hosted by Jeremy Douglass and Noah Wardrip-Fruin
  • Cognition and creativity, hosted by Fox Harrell
  • A Space-Time of Ubiquity and Embeddedness — hosted by Ulrik Ekman and Mark Hansen.

Please see the official call for all the details.