Judy Malloy

Judy Malloy has been writing hypernarratives since 1986 when she began writing Uncle Roger (a narrative of sex and politics in Silicon Valley) in 1986 on Arts Com Electronic Network on the WELL.

Her hyperfictions include:

its name is Penelope (Narrabase Press, 1990; Eastgate Systems, 1993)

Forward Anywhere (with Cathy Marshall; Eastgate Systems, 1996)

l0ve0ne (Eastgate Web Workshop)

The Roar of Destiny Emanated From the Refrigerator

She is currently working on Dorothy Abrona McCrae -- a narrative purportedly by a legendary 81 year old painter.

Judy Malloy has been an artist in residence at Xerox PARC; an Associate Editor of Leonardo; Contributing Writer to MicroTimes; and has taught web design at the San Francisco Art Institute; She is the editor of Women in New Media (forthcoming from MIT Press) and is currently the Editor of the online arts ezine, Arts Wire Current.

This speaker will join the Writers Looking Ahead panel.



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