The Unknown
"The Unknown" is the name of both a tribe of hypertext authors and the product of their collaboration. William Gillespie is a playwright, poet, and fiction writer whose work is marked by collaboration, formal experimentation, and utopian yearnings. He is one of the founding authors of the hypertext novel The Unknown, the Freedom of Information Act disclosure The Ed Report, the alternative news source Newspoetry, the literature laboratory, the Eclectic Seizure Radio Theater Collective, and Spineless Books. Scott Rettberg is a co-author of the hypertext novel The Unknown and the co-founder and first executive director of the Electronic Literature Organization. Dirk Stratton is a co-author of the hypertext novel The Unknown.
In every other respect, he remains a mystery. The Unknown will perform from their hypertext in the Multimedia Cabaret on April 4th.
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