Featured in the Gallery

Stravinsky's Muse


image courtesy of the artist(s)

Author: Mark Marino

Web URL or medium: www.bunkmag.com/dandg/

Description: Stravinsky's Muse presents the oppositional concepts in the mind of Stravinsky Jones as interlocking wheels. Over the course of a cycle of lexias, Stravinsky entangles himself in his relations with his wife, Sonja, and his lover, Natasha, but as he does, his concepts blur and transform. As with Saussure's chess analogy, when the reader regroups the concepts in Stravinsky's mind, the words acquire new values and, in turn, call up different episode's from his life.

Technical requirements: Current web browser with current Flash plugin.

Start/Restart instructions:
Load URL in browser to start. Reload URL in browser to restart.

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