I see the wall standing before me, thick and foreboding, not letting anybody in but not letting anybody out either. A fear rises out of me, do I want to go outside? Do I want to know who I really am? I am protected here, but protected from what? Myself? Learning who I truly am will take place out there in reality, not behind this stone wall. I climb the wall, it is not hard to climb and I scale it very easily, maybe I was an athlete. See the process is already beginning. I climb down the other side of the wall, walk down marble steps, and see a huge oak door. It suprisingly opens easily. I look outside into the sunlight and for the first time... free, yes that's the word, free. Free from the greyness of the hospital, where they prevented my mind from exploring who I really am. I see the country side, but which countryside, I do not know. They spoke English in the hospital, but that leads me nowhere. There is a road, cut with the marks of wagons and horses. It must lead somewhere, but to a somewhere I don't know. Still, the process begins. I think somewhere I read that someone said," The ends justify the means." What a long strange trip its been, and what a long strange trip it will be.