Ricardo Miranda Zuniga

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Daily Headline Deaths
Each of the 1000 icons represented a human being. One icon disappeared for each death reported on the front page of the New York Times Online. The space from which the icons disappeared was populated by a new icon
representing how the reported death(s) occurred. If the deaths occurred due to an act of aggression, the new icon was accompanied by a flag or emblem representing the nation, organization or individual claiming responsibility.
Below the icons are listed each day's death headline(s) and a link to the story. In the right column of the page is the legend in which each death icon is represented. Below the legend is the archive for each day of the project. The
project ended when all 1000 human icons had been replaced by a death icon.

Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga is an interdisciplinary visual artist whose work encompasses writing, sculpture, video and audio, the Internet, and public display. The principle behind his work is communication as a creative process for dialogical exchange. Ricardo lives and works in Brooklyn, NY and his portfolio may be viewed online at: http://www.ambriente.com