A performance that explores uses of sound in a networked collaboration with eight composer/musicians. Streamed live to the web. The performance originates from three locations: Mills College in Oakland, CA; Harvestworks, Inc. in New York City; and the Morton Street Studio in New York City.
A slide show of video stills from Mary Lucier's 1998 Summer, or Grief with text from "A Conversation" by Allen Grossman will accompany the performance
From Mills College: Pauline Oliveros, Maggi Payne and Brenda Hutchinson, with Leslie Stuck and David Kwan, audio/Internet engineers
From Harvestworks, Inc: Beth Coleman and Zeena Parkins, with Carol Parkinson, audio/Internet engineer.
From Morton Street: Scott Rosenberg, Helen Thorington and Jesse Gilbert. With Jesse Gilbert, audio/Internet engineer and final mix. Assisting: Jim Crawford
How It Works:
Performances from the Mills College and Harvestworks locations will be streamed via RealAudio to the Morton Street Studio, where they will be mixed with live music and sound from the performers there and streamed by RealAudio to the web.The archives of this webcast will be made permanently available on the Turbulence site.
The Loose Ends/Connections icons are images from Mary Lucier's Summer,or Grief .
You will need to download Netscape Navigator and RealPlayer in order to experience Loose Ends/Connections. .