"The Miserable Racetrack" is a journey into the world of
science action...
and the culmination of years of study made by Naval Cassidy (Jon Giles) and Bulk Foodveyor (Phil Bonner).

This web site was designed to be viewed with Netscape Navigator 3.0. To view the quicktime images, you will need Quicktime Plug-in.

Macintosh users can also use Netscape 2.0 with ViewMovie Plug-in. This can be found at the ViewMovie site.

After a movie has downloaded, it may be necessary to double click on it to make it run. Double clicking again will make the movie stop.

Quicktime.apple.com has all of the software needed to view quicktime movies for both Macs and PC's.

MRT, the web site, is split up into
3 different areas:
Histories Machine Categories Future Engagements

It is suggested to start with "Histories"
if you are new to MRT.
Questions? Comments? Email Naval Cassidy at jgiles@interport.net.


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