. . . . w e l c o m e . . . e n t e r

To view the 3D constructions in this site
you must have Apple's QuickDraw 3D,  
a 3dmf plugin such as Whurlplug, 
and an application for viewing 3DMF models, 
Whurlwind for example, installed on your system.
I need Whurlwind

Whurlplug relies on Apple's Quickdraw 3d.

I need Whurlplug and qd3d too

1. Once you have downloaded the them, configure Netscape for 3d files. From the Netscape Options menu, choose Preferences, Helper Applications. 2. Click the New... button. Inside the Mime type/sub-type text fields, type x-world/x-3dmf. Inside the suffixes text field, type 3dmf, 3dm, qd3d, qd3. Inside the Handled by box, select plug-in. Select Whurlplug (you should have already put Whurlplug inside your Netscape plug-ins folder). Under Application, click the Browse button. Select Whurlwind. Click the file type pop-up and select 3DMF. Click again on the Plug-in radio button to select it before clicking in the Okay box. 3. If you want Whurlwind to also read VRML files: Click the New... button. Inside the Mime type/sub-type text fields, type x-world/x-vrml. Inside the suffixes text field, type wrl. Inside the Handled by box, select plug-in. (for VRML files you will need a text type 3d plug-in such as Live3d -- there are a lot out there to choose from, with new ones in beta everyday) Under Application, click the Browse button. Select Whurlwind. In the file type pop-up select TEXT. Click again on the Plug-in radio button before clicking in the Okay box. 4. Click OK. The Preferences window closes.

As with other plugins, you must quit and then 
restart Netscape before the plug-ins will take effect.  
If you get a window with a little puzzle peice instead of a 3d file, 
something is missing.  If you get a big black space or 
a small black space with a white line around it,
wait a bit, a 3DMF file is coming in.  When the file emerges, you may control
navigation with a toolbar.  To receive the toolbar,
click in the center of the 3d window.  With most 3d browsers, 
navigation is assisted by keys (eg. shift,  -, or =).  
If you have a 3d browser already installed, click in the void space, 
navigational tools will appear so that you may move inside the form above. 

All 3d constructions in this site are 3dmf files (in binary format for Mac people) The site does have links to other sites with 3D files in VRML's text format.
another whurlwind site:

e n t e r . . . . w e l c o m e . . .