
Gallery works listed by title
The links below lead to individual profiles of each work selected for Symposium. The list is sorted by title, then by contributing artists. If the work is online, a link is provided so you may click through and interact with the work itself. Works are also catalogued by contributing artist.
E-literature works:
_][ad][Dressed in a Skin Code by Mez [mary-anne] Breeze
Accounts of the Glass Sky by M.D. Coverley
Ad Verbum by Nick Montfort
All Roads by Jon Ingold
Bare Bones by Joellyn Rock
beautopia by Laura Sullivan
CHAOSity by Niki Nolin, Karen Lee Osborne, Wade Roberts, and Maureen Seaton
Clues by Robert Kendall
COG(I) by Loss Pequeño Glazier
a crisis in se_Mantics by Claudia Herbst
database by Adriana de Souza and Fabian Winkler
The Dazzle as Question by Claire A. Dinsmore
E:Electron by Deena Larsen and Geoffrey Gatza
Figurski at Findhorn on Acid by Richard Holeton
Formes libres flottant sur les ondes by Xavier Malbreil
{fray} by Derek Powazek
Galatea by Emily Short
Ghost City by Jody Zellen
The Glide Project by Diana Slattery
Hektor.net by Nathaniel Stern
Hey Now by Thomas Swiss and Motomichi Nakamura
The Hollow by Mika Igarashi
hyPoem by Joerg Piringer
The Idea of Home by Nancy Buchanan
Imaginary Year by Jeremy Bushnell
Lace by F.J. Bergmann
My Name is Captain, Captain. by Lori Talley and Judd Morrissey
NEOGEJO by Gerard Dalmon et al
Nostalgia by Claire Carre
The Nothings by Alistair Gentry
One Night in a Three-story House by Stephen Granade
Pain & Vice Versa / Dolor y Viceversa by Blas Valdez
Photo Essay: A Harvest in Burgundy by Roderick Coover
Post Modern Object by Meghan Newell
Postale by Gabriela Golder
Redeeming the Gene, Molding the Golem, Folding the Protein by Sonya Rapoport
Roland HT by Vika Zafrin
SEEDSIGNS for Philadelpho by Miekal And
Semiotic Poetry by Alexandre Gerbhan
Slamming the Sonnet by Jayne Fenton Keane and David Keane
speak: a hypertext essay by Linda Carroli
Storyland by Nanette Wylde
Stravinsky's Muse by Mark Marino
Superstitious Appliances by Jason Nelson
Talking Cure by Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Nathan Wardrip-Fruin, Camille Utterback, and Clilly Castiglia
Training missions by Joseph Amato
Trilogy by Lisa Bloomfield
We Descend by Bill Bly
Web Warp & Weft by Helen Whitehead
Who is Flora? by Travis Alber