Authors: Gerard Dalmon and pieces in collaboration with Lucie de Boutiny, Xavier Malbreil, Joseph Savastano Web URL or medium: Description: (in the author's own words...) "I am in charge of the project NEOGEJO based in New York. Since 1996 this project has been on the Internet. "The pieces shown are not illustrations of Gertrude Stein, Marcel Duchamp, Tristan Tzara, etc. "I work with samplings that I mix, let's say like a DJ. A visual cut-up of a text by Duchamp mixed with the streaming BBC news, for example. A random "mise en scène" of the endless "A Rose is a Rose is" by Gertrude Stein, another. "I consider myself more like a producer than a writer, even if the purpose is a reflection of writing on the Web. But I do not write poetry for the Web. I produce objects using tools allowed by computers and the Net and I reorganize pieces of the culture mostly from the "Avant Gardes" of the last century. Some other pieces have not apparent sources. Are they my creations? Perhaps. Others are made in collaboration with other people like: "Confusions" a project realized with Lucie de Boutiny or the "Book of the Dead" with Xavier Malbreil or "Silent poem" with Joseph Savastano. "Since Dada the poetic attitude has changed. With Burroughs and Gysin writing is considered like a production: cut-up, folding, permutation, these are the operators of this production. Poetry is more considered as an act, a process rather than the expression of an individual. This is the goal of Neogejo." Technical requirements: Internet Explorer 4 to 5, Netscape 4 to 5. SCREEN: Screen 1024 x 768 pixels or bigger, Millions of colors. SOUND ON. PLUGINS: Flash MX 6, Shockwave 8.5, QuickTime 5, Real Player. Start/Restart instructions: Load URL and click on E to start. Reload URL and click on E to restart. Gallery: ELO Gallery home | Contributing artists | Titles
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