On April 4-6, 2002, many of the leading writers, critics, publishers and readers working in the field of electronic literature gathered in Los Angeles for the first Electronic Literature Organization Symposium. Titled "State of the Arts," the symposium featured three nights and two days of readings, demonstrations, and concentrated discussions on the state of the arts of electronic literature. Major Sponsorship of the State of the Arts Symposium was provided by the Ford Foundation.

Keynote speakers for the event included novelist Robert Coover, critic Katherine Hayles, and author and publisher Jason Epstein. The event was a "Symposium" in the truest sense of the word: each panel featured experts engaging in a lively interchange of ideas. These moderated discussions allowed the panelists to share their insights and engage in dialogue about their specific topic.

RealAudio Archive
The conference proceedings were recorded and are being made available here in RealAudio format. The recordings have been optimized for a low-bandwith connection. You many listen to them over http streaming, or you may download the files directly to your computer and play them in their entirety. If you encounter difficulty streaming the files because of a slow connection, try downloading them to your desktop. Please note that it will be difficult to hear the questions during the Q/A sessions, as we did not have a floor mike patched into the audio system. Download the latest Real Player to listen to the keynotes and panel sessions.

April 05, 2002    
Welcome and Introductory Remarks    
Lori Stein, UCLA Assistant Dean of Humanities Stream
(28K, 726K file)
(726K file)
Jeff Ballowe, President of the Electronic Literature Organization Stream
(28K, 971K file)
(971K file)
John Santos, Program Officer for Media Arts and Culture, the Ford Foundation Stream
(28K, 756K file)
(756K file)
Keynote Address - Katherine Hayles    
Joseph Tabbi introduces Katherine Hayles Stream
(28K, 899K file)
(899K file)
Katherine Hayles' Keynote Address Stream
(28K, 4.4MB file)
(4.4MB file)
Q/A with Katherine Hayles Stream
(28K, 1.6MB file)
(1.6MB file)
Keynote Address - Robert Coover    
Larry McCaffery introduces Robert Coover Stream
(28K, 828K file)
(828K file)
Robert Coover's Keynote Address Stream
(28K, 8.6MB file)
(8.6MB file)
April 06, 2002    
Keynote Address - Jason Epstein    
Stuart Moulthrop introduces Jason Epstein Stream
(28K, 804K file)
(804K file)
Jason Epstein's Keynote Address Stream
(28K, 3.5MB file)
(3.5MB file)
Q/A with Jason Epstein Stream
(28K, 3.2MB file)
(3.2MB file)