look art


Using Mac Terminal: Launch Terminal


type telnet and <return>


enter "telnet turbulence.sjsu.edu 2860" without the quotes


connect to mud

when the server connects type "connect vistior visitor" or

"connect user password" if you have registered


you are in

your in

you can use the "look" command or the "who" command or type the name of the exit that you want to go to

say hello

Or type "Hello (with the quote)

hello said

this is what the "who" command (no quotes) returns


PuTTY Instructions(windows): Download and install PuTTY
enter the hostname: turbulence.sjsu.edu and the port: 2860, you may need to select Telnet first or it may change the port back to 23.

putty login

you will get the welcome when you connect


connect to server

type "connect visitor visitor" or "connect username password" (if you have registered) without the quotes to login

login as visitor

you can now "look"

your in

or use the "who" command

say hello