mobotag connect
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1. What is it?
mobotag is a new virtual graffiti built specifically for mobile phones.
2. What does it do? Give me an example.
The idea is simple: tell us where you are and we'll tell you what is around you. For example, you're having walking down Broadway and see something you want to tag. Send a text message to with the photo, video, sound or text tag and we'll attach it to that location, making it visible to everyone AND send you back a message letting you know if any other tags exist within 10 blocks. If you want you can go on a city wide tour as mobotag sends you information about nearby tagged locations.
3. I like the idea, but you're not in my city. Can you add my city?
We are always looking to add new cities. Sign up and tell us where you are, and hopefully we can get it going sometime soon. We'll also let you know when we do!
4. How much does mobotag cost?
We don't charge you anything for the service, though your cell phone carrier may charge you to send or receive text messages depending on the plan you have with them. Picture messages are a different story... some providers charge upwards of $0.25 per message. If you find yourself getting too many photo messages from us, select only the text messages left at the location you are visiting. Note: we are not responsible for text or photo messaging fees.)

So, how do I use it?
Whenever you're out, use your mobile phone to send a text message to "" with an address of the location you are at. Make sure you put this in the BODY of your text message. e.g. 721 Broadway. When we get your text message, we'll send you back any files at that location (text messages, photos, video or sound) and also check to see if there's anything nearby.

What kind of things can I do with mobotag? What are the different messages I can send?
Below are some of the things you can do with

CHECKIN -> to see what mobotags are in your location, send a txt message to with the location in the body of your message. eg: 721 Broadway

mobotag will send you a list of available files. choose anyone by replying with the number associated with the file.

TAG -> to tag a location, sends a txt message to with the address of you location. You can write a text tag after the address, or attach a photo, video or sound recording.

mobotag will add your tag to that location.

WALK -> To check out what else is in your area, send a text message to, even if there is nothing at your exact location, we will look within a 10 block radius of where you are. You can choose to go on a walking tour following the prompts sent to you by mobotag. If you don't reply to the prompts, mobotag will stop sending you messages.

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