Nepabunna uses remote sensing data
from the Landsat 5 satellite as the starting point,
then progresses to a mythopoeia of contemporary
technology (using Australian Aboriginal themes)
and finally cites string theory as an example of
the nexus between science/beauty/truth. Poetry and
digital media combine to examine this nexus.

Geniwate came to electronic poetry
via print and performance poetry. Experiment with
visual and audio in performance put her in a good
position to make the leap to electronic literature
in 1997. She was co-winner of the 1999 trAce-Alt-X
International Hypertext Competition with <rice>.
Since then she has been exploring science, technoculture
and mythology. <Nepabunna> is an initial phase
in an ongoing exploration of these themes.
Geniwate's sites are are visible
and are available on CD-ROM.