Posts Received : Saturday, March 5

Received 03/05/2005 19:40

Nite-Nite. M

Nite-Nite. M

Received 03/05/2005 17:18


Thai mssg yeah! Me, i napped my way 2 a 2nd wind. D judd is up, but is 2 bg 4 space- as xpctd. Keep there 4 now, but will mv evntly. I thnk we have nice new apt! M

Received 03/05/2005 17:09

Just got thai massage w tts yum - j

Received 03/05/2005 15:34

My comps wifi is def

My comps wifi is def fkd. wish i had norton. No audio until tmrw.i chkd the audio n no clipng. snds mch btr! M

Received 03/05/2005 15:34

Crazy sight on hollywd blvd

Received 03/05/2005 14:21

Sleepy girl post bubble bath -j

Received 03/05/2005 10:41

All mvd

All my stuff is here. Now i just have 2 figure out where it goes. . . Tried u a sec ago no answ. Call when u can. Love u. M

Received 03/05/2005 09:58

Charles sierra & boxes -m

Received 03/05/2005 07:31

Bby tgr is ready 2 mv! -m