Received 03/11/2005 22:07
After a quite aimless day
After a quite aimless day im going 2 sleep. Xoxo. M
Received 03/11/2005 22:07
After a quite aimless day im going 2 sleep. Xoxo. M
Received 03/11/2005 20:21
Received 03/11/2005 20:18
Received 03/11/2005 20:05
Received 03/12/2005 15:43
Received 03/11/2005 19:41
Received 03/11/2005 19:06
Received 03/11/2005 18:56
He just woke up. Im abt 2 go 2 bed. Thus is life with an even bigger time change than ours - 10 hrs 2 japan. M
Received 03/11/2005 18:50
Received 03/11/2005 14:57
World of Warcraft
Orange County Parking Lots
Received 03/11/2005 14:54
Received 03/11/2005 07:23