Fiction short list:
short list
Awards Ceremony |
Comments by Larry
McCaffery, Fiction Judge

Larry McCaffery
Before announcing my selection of
the winner of the Electronic Literature Organization's
first fiction contest, I would first like to express
my thanks to Scott Rettberg and the other members of
the Electronic Literature Organization for allowing
me to participate in their first major literary contest
as fiction judge. I would also like to offer some remarks
about what this experience has meant to me. I entered
into the process of navigating through (surely "reading"
is no longer the appropriate term?) the six remarkable
fiction finalists not as an expert in the field, but
as an interested novice, whose main qualifications for
being able to judge the merit of these works can best
be summarized as a good news/bad news kind of thing
-- the good news being a fairly extensive background
as a scholar, editor, teacher, and long-time admirer
of innovative fiction generally and postmodern fiction
in particular; the bad news being a home word-processor
whose dial-up modem would have been woefully inadequate
for the task of connecting me to the data-dense works
on the Fiction Short List, even if it had been delivering
at its optimum 56K delivery-rate (which it wasn't) and
even if California wasn't experiencing regular rolling
blackouts (which it was).
At any rate, I went into the process
of evaluating these works anticipating there would be
problems facing me in understanding the similarities
and differences between hypertext (or cybertext, or
digital texts, or electronic) fictions and codex (or
print-bound) forms of fiction. I was also acutely aware
of the need to lighten my book-derived load of assumptions,
expectations, and value judgments, and to be willing
to fine-tune my literary expectations on the fly. Frankly,
the prospect of all this load-lightening and fictive
paradigm-shifting was pretty exciting, and certainly
the whole process proved to be just as much of mind-and-genre-expanding
experience as I had hoped, although it only took a few
moments after logging into the first of fiction selections
-- which happened to be Mez's sanguinary tale of terminal
identity, _the data][h!][bleeding texts_ -- for me to realize that
the adjustments I required were going to be less a matter
of fine-tuning than of getting a major literary engine
As is probably predictable, what struck
me most about the forms and other creative concepts
these works were grounded in was their rich unpredictability.
It quickly became apparent, for example, that these
works had been developed by authors possessing radically
divergent assumptions concerning what fiction is, what
it might be, might do, and might involve once it is
removed from the mouth of the teller or the page of
the print-bound and becomes situated within a digitized
electronic environment. Equally diverse were their decisions
concerning what features of print-bound fiction were
worth keeping (narration, for example) and which seemed
unsuitable or inappropriate for expression within this
new medium (such as plotted narratives). Likewise, while
these authors all obviously shared the recognition that
the medium of electronic writing now offered a whole
host of stimulating new options, there was very little
agreement here concerning which options should be explored.
In short, on both the micro and macro
levels, these works displayed a fascinating (and occasionally
baffling, at least to this user) variety in terms of
their treatment of overall formal strutures and graphic
interface designs, form/content issues, the use of hyperlinks
and hypermedia and their relationship to written texts,
interactivity, and the reconfigured relationship among
author, reader and writer. These were all clearly works
by writers who have been grappling with the core issues
of the medium: the role (if any) of narration (and narrative)
and story within the electronic medium; the need to
invent the necessary formal conventions (including those
producing more radical forms of reader interactvity
than merely selecting which links to follow) which electronic
fiction will need if it is to continue evolving into
the major literary form it will surely become, and so
Having to respond to works which seemed
to be operating on such fundamentally different terms
occasionally made it seem like I was being asked to
judge the merits of the literary equivalent of apples
and oranges, but diversity here also seems like a healthy
sign at this early stage in a form where basic conventions
and formal options are still largely undeveloped. And
when all else failed, I always had my equivalent of
magnetic north to guide me -- all that nebulous but
weighty stuff that the phrase "high literary quality"
once used to refer to. For me, that meant I was consciously
seeking out fiction that somehow managed to grab my
attention and kept it, that amazed or amused or bewildered
or disturbed me, and above all that moved me in some
way. And while I was always trying to seek out examples
where innovative uses of hypermedia seemed appropriate,
I was also on the lookout for negative cases, where
hypermedia seemed to be imposed where it doesn't belong.
I would now like to announce the winner
this first fiction contest sponsored by the Electronic
Literature Organization -- Caitlin Fisher's haunting,
visually stunning recreation of girlhood(s), These Waves of Girls.
I found myself hooked on Waves
from the moment I first logged on and watched Caitlin's
gorgeous graphic interface assemble itself out of images
of moving clouds drifting across the screen, mingling
with the sounds of girls laughing, Once inside the work
itself, users encounter a series of writings -- anecdotes,
incidents, bits of story, and meditations -- drawn from
the memories and creative imagination of its playfully
unreliable (and textually seductive) female protagonist
at various key junctures of her youth (at age 4, age
10, 20, etc. ).
Rather than attempting to create a
formal arrangement that might have drawn all of these
disparate elements of narration into the sort of cohesive
narrative one expects in print-bound fiction, Fisher
instead develops a structure that takes advantage of
what web-based medium does best -- i.e., Fisher creates
an interconnected web of branching, narrative possibilities
that evoke not just the girlhood of a single protagonist
but a broader perspective of girlhood(s).
These language-based narrations are
embedded within a series of arresting hypermedia features
(admirably accessed via a Flash plug-in): different
sorts of aural features (sound effects and voice-over
options) and visual materials, including 3-D images,
photographs and illustrations (many of which have been
reprocessed with stunning results), and multi-layered
images, whose sensuous textures invite further exploration.
There is a raw energy and garish intensity to these
visual features that perfectly captures the feel of
childhood and adolescence. As is befitting of a work
about girlhood(s), the writing in these narrative shards
(many of which are sharply etched enough to draw blood)
is by turns, tender, terrifying, erotic, lyrical, witty,
surprising -- and always emotionally engaging. Linked
in often surprising ways that establish hidden connections
that often seem to be operating on the basis of emotional,
associational logic, Fisher produces a memorable and
moving work of electronic fiction in the elements of
words manner hypermedia functions.
Because of the high quality of all
six works, I would also like to cite two additional
pieces for honorable mention: Talan Memmott's absolutely
drop-dead gorgeous, mystifying, cryptifictional hyper-assemblage,
Lexia to Perplexia, which
I found notable not only for the eloquence and innovations
of its design but for its success in creating new forms
of user-interactivity; and Shelley Jackson's wondrously
written and perfectly conceived match of form and content,
Girl, which despite its ripe old age (of 7 years)
and somewhat cumbersome reliance on Storyspace software,
was still more than able to hold its own among more
technologically advanced works in terms of the freshness
of the writing and the conceptual brilliance of its