"_the data][h!][bleeding t.ex][e][ts"
are remnants from email performances devoted to
the dispersal of writing that has been inspired
and mutated according to the dynamics of an active
network. The texts make use of the polysemic language
system termed mezangelle, which evolved/s
from multifarious email exchanges, computer code
flavored language, and net iconographs.
This work is accesible on the web
at netwurkerz.de/mez/datableed/complete.
It employs DHTML and animations, and therefore a
current web browser is recommended for reading the

(Mary-Anne Breeze)
The author Mez (also known as Mary-Anne
Breeze) describes herself as...
".+. a professional net.wurka/artist <since the
early 90's>
[e.g see CTHEORY's Digital Dirt,
Digitarts '96,
ISEA_97, ARS Electronica_97, trAce,
BeeHive Hypermedia,
SIGGRAPH_99,d>Art 00 and _hybrid<life>forms
.+. an avataristic authoress of the net.wurked "mezangelle"
language system
.+. the 2001 Resident Artist @ the WCG
.+. currently working on her "Fantazee Genderator"
project @ Berlin's Humboldt-University."