Lexia to Perplexia
by Talan Memmott
"Lexia to Perplexia"
is a deconstructive/grammatological look at the construction
of User narratives through the attachment to the Internet
apparatus. A mix between theory and fiction, the work
makes wide use of neologisms, advanced coding, and
graphics while exploring the hidden agencies of attachment
and network desire.
This title can be read on the web
at trace.ntu.ac.uk/newmedia/lexia,
and incorporates many DHTML features. It requires
Netscape 4.x or Internet Explorer 4.x or 5.x, but
it is not compatible with Netscape version 6.0.

Talan Memmott
Talan Memmott is a
hypermedia artist/writer from San Francisco. His work
involves mixing theory and fiction, the visual and
the verbal in heavily mediated web environments. He
is the Creative Director/Editor of the vital BeeHive
Hypermedia/Hypertext Literary Journal, publishing
over 120 authors to date. His own work appears widely
on the Internet. In 2000 He was awarded the trAce/Alt-X
New Media Writing Award.