CFP ELO 17 (Dec 5; July 19-22, 2017)


Electronic Literature > Affiliations, Communities, Translations

Hosted by UFP – University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal, July 19 – 22, 2017

Call For Papers & Works

The ELO (Electronic Literature Organization) is pleased to announce its 2017 Conference and Festival, to be held from July 19-22. The Conference is hosted by University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, and the Festival and Exhibits will be held in the center of the historic city of Porto, Portugal.

Titled «Electronic Literature: Affiliations, Communities, Translations», the Conference and Festival welcome dialogues and untold histories of electronic literature, providing a space for discussion about what exchanges, negotiations, and movements we can track in the field of electronic literature. These three threads will weave through the conference, structuring dialogue, debate, performances, presentations, and exhibits. The threads are meant as provocations, enabling constraints, and aim at forming a diagram of electronic literature today and expanding awareness of the history and diversity of the field.

The goal of this International Conference is to contribute to displacing and re-situating accepted views and histories of electronic literature, in order to construct a larger and more expansive field, to map discontinuous textual relations across histories and forms, and to create productive and poetic apparatuses from unexpected combinations. Each of the three strands – Affiliations, Communities, Translations – is described in detail below. Participants can apply to the Conference and Festival by locating their work within a strand. In all cases, we are open to experimental proposals that integrate theory and practice, and proposals that challenge presentation formats.

Read more CFP ELO 17 (Dec 5; July 19-22, 2017)