ELO Board Changes

ELO is pleased to announce several changes to the Board of Directors, including one new member.

Lori Emerson will be joining the board, Jessica Pressman will be assuming the role of Treasurer, and Noah Wardrip-Fruin will be stepping down from the board after serving as a director since 2003.

Dr. Emerson and Dr. Pressman are renown scholars in the field of electronic literature.  Their continued work in the field has helped to establish its place in the academy and beyond.

We relay our gratitude to Dr. Wardrip-Fruin for his years of service, since he joined the board in 2003. He has served as a vice president, attended ELO conferences, and had work in both volumes of the Collection. He worked on PAD project, co-writing Acid-Free Bits and worked as a co-author of the Born-Again Bits report. He also helped to convert the ELO site to the current eliterature.org.  Thank you for all your years of service.

Some information about our new member of the board of directors and our new treasurer follows:

Read more ELO Board Changes

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New Issues of 2 E-lit journals Hyperrhiz & BleuOrange

This month, we’re featuring posts on e-lit journals that have published issues recently. Up first: Hyperrhiz & bleuOrange

The latest issues Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures and bleuOrange are now online, featuring works and criticism on digitally born literature.  Both are exemplary, long-running journals of contemporary art.


The new issue features essays by Piotr Célinski, David Gruber and David M. Rieder, and Hazel Smith.  The artists in the gallery include The Hanseatic Semiotic Traders League; David Ciccoricco and Jill DelSordi;  David Gruber and David M. Rieder; and Hazel Smith, Joanna Still, and Roger Dean. There is also a review by  Philippe Bootz and Sandy Baldwin.

The Hanseatic Semiotic Traders League (or Fiskekaker) is the name for the collaboration of Brendan Howell, Amrita Kaur, Mark C. Marino, Eduardo Navas, Margaux Pezier,Scott Rettberg, Morten Sorreime, Martin Swartling, Patricia Tomaszek, Rob Wittig.  Their work, “The Colonization of Memory,” combines a locative narrative and an exquisite corpse (a Locative Corpse) in an instantiation of the procedural art form, exquitie_code.

bleuOrange (French)

Issue 6 of BleuOrange, features work by Valerie Cordy, Booris Dumesnil-Poulin and Marie-Pier April, Maxime Galand, Myriam Lambert, Sebastien Cliche,  Line Dezainde.

bleuOrange is a project supported by the Laboratoire NT2: New technologies, new and textualities and Figura, the Centre for Research on the text and imagination, both of the University of Quebec in Montreal.  The editor-in-chief is Alice van der Klei. 

Consider these venues for your latest works of electronic literature!

CFP New Works on Electronic Literature & Cyberculture: CLCWeb (3/1/13)

CFP: New Works on Electronic Literature and Cyberculture
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 16.5
Deadline:March 1, 2013
Email to: mzalbidea [at] lasallecampus.es

This CFP is aimed at participants in the 2012 ELVA  conference on Electronic Literature & other scholars of electronic literature.  Participants can submit their conference papers, but all relevant critical works will be considered.  The selected papers will be published on New Works on Electronic Literature and Cyberculture of CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 16.5 (2014): (Purdue University Press ISSN 1481-4374). <http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb>

Guest edited by Maya Zalbidea Paniagua (Universidad La Salle, Madrid), Asunción López Varela (Universidad Complutense, Madrid) and Mark C. Marino (University of Southern California), the theme of the special issue, in the context of digital humanities, is the critical, social, philosophical, gendered, and pedagogical aspects of electronic literature, digital art, and cyberculture.

Please send papers in 6000-7000 words to Maya Zalbidea at by March 1st 2013. Of particular interest are papers on cybertext/hypertext theory and application; hypertext fiction (flash fiction, e-poetry, digital storytelling, online graphic novels, etc.); game studies, net and video art; and gender, identity, race, and sexuality in cyberspace. For the style of the journal consult http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweblibrary/clcwebstyleguide.

Articles published in the journal are double-blind peer reviewed and indexed, among others, in the Thomson Reuters ISI Arts and Humanities Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index.

For more information contact Maya Zalbidea Paniagua, Universidad La Salle, Madrid

ELO 2013 Paris: Call for Artistic Proposals (2/18, 2/23-26/13)

Chercher le texte: call for expressions of artistic interest

Event website: http://www.chercherletexte.org

The “chercher le texte” event deals with literary issues and text-oriented multimedia practices on digital devices: digital books, texts generated or animated through programming, fiction hypertexts, “manipulable”, playable works, or on the contrary works whose very program embraces literariness. The considered devices range from computers to mobile devices, including social networks. They can be used in various contexts: installations, performances, personal devices designed for digital reading. These contexts range from solo reading to collaborative or participative reading.

This event will represent an opportunity to showcase young artists and bring together two worlds, which otherwise barely come into contact with one another: that of the experimental digital literature forms deriving from the second half of the 20th century avant-garde movements and that of the digital writings, as used by authors coming from the book world and who have taken over the digital technologies, namely blogs and e-books.

In this context, the Musique et Informatique de Marseille (MIM) laboratory associates with team Écritures Numériques from Paris 8 Paragraphe laboratory, the digital literature European network Digital Digital Digital Littérature (DDDL), the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO), the Bibliothèque Publique d’Information (BPI), the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF), the Cube, the Labex Art-H2H coordinated by Paris 8 and the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD) to organize the following events:

-          An online virtual gallery on the DDDL network website.

-          Four events consisting of performances and projections of works, from September 23 to 26, 2013, in the small room of the Centre Pompidou, the big auditorium of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and the Cube amphitheater.

-          A six-week exhibition on “digital literatures from the past and future” in the BNF lab room of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, which will be launched on September 24, 2013. This exhibition will feature the virtual gallery and a selection of digital literary works with emphasis on the works designed for touch-pads and e-readers. No installation is possible.

Artists, especially young ones, are invited to propose one or several work(s) for one or more of these devices.

Please send your proposals to work@chercherletexte.org before February 18. If you wish to propose several works, please do it in a single document and make sure you detail the nature of each proposal on at least one distinct page (gallery, performance, exhibition). Please write it in English or French in pdf format and include a short biography stating the age of the artist and the following information about each device: Read more ELO 2013 Paris: Call for Artistic Proposals (2/18, 2/23-26/13)