Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies is inviting submissions for its forthcoming issues. Submissions may come from both Taiwan and the international community addressing the special topics of “Flows” or “Literature in the Age of Cultural Studies and Globalization.” Articles on any aspects of literature and culture are also welcome. If interested, Concentric can be contacted at concentric at deps dot ntnu dot edu dot tw or addressed to Concentric Editor, the Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, 162 Hoping East Road, Section 1, Taipei 106, Taiwan, R.O.C.
CFP: Postcolonial Studies
The Postcolonial Studies Special Issue on “Digital Culture” is seeking papers addressing the spread of networked computing and digital culture (such as email, websites, blogs, digital art, and online games) and its consequences on the postcolonial condition. The deadline for submissions is October 30, 2004.
Call for Works: TeknoKultura
Volume 4 of TeknoKultura, online journal of the university of Puerto Ricos Social Sciences Faculty (Rio Piedras Campus), announces its opening for contributions to evaluate articles and electronic art related to the integration of technology in our daily lives. Book and website reviews, literary work, and cartoons associated to these themes will also be evaluated. The call for contributions will be open from April 2004 – April 2005. For more information, please contact Heidi J. Figueroa Sarriera by email hfiguero at coqui dot net.
Call for Articles: Archival Science
Archival Science, the International Journal on Recorded Information, is seeking articles the long-term preservation of digital data and documents from the academic world. The articles will appear in a special issue of the journal, which is scheduled to be published in mid-2005. Authors are invited to submit a proposal in the form of an abstract before July 1, 2004. Please email Heiko Tjalsma at heiko.tjalsma at niwi dot knaw dot nl for more information or see the full call for articles.
Hypertext ’04: Submissions Deadline
The ACM Hypertext ’04 final deadline for short paper and poster submissions is May 28, 2004. The online submission software is now ready for your submission. Hypertext ’04 is a conference that will bring together researchers, scholars, and practitioners who share an interest in innovative textual and multimedia information spaces, with emphasis on augmenting human capabilities via linking, structure, authoring, annotation and interaction. The conference will be held August 9-13 at UC Santa Cruz.
Networks, Art, and Collaboration
Although the “Networks, Art, and Collaboration” conference is over, the conference website is well worth visiting for links to discussion archives, digital art websites, resources, downloadable publications, and more.
Call for Submissions – Iraq
[R][R][F] 2004 —>XP [Remembering-Repressing-Forgetting] is a global networking project preparing an ongoing feature related to the war in Iraq and the period afterwards. [R][R][F] is seeking proposals of net-based artworks, papers, articles, comments, links, and more.
UCSB’s MAT Department Proposes Ph.D
UC Santa Barbara’s Media Arts & Technology Department is awaiting approval of a new Ph.D. program. They hope to get the approval in time to admit its first doctoral class in the Fall of 2005. Contact Curtis Roads with questions: clang at create dot ucsb dot edu.
ELO Board Members Quoted in New York Times Article
Adam Baer’s New York Times article “Call Me E-Mail: The Novel Unfolds Digitally” features comments by ELO board members Thom Swiss and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. To read the entire article, you must register with the NY Times online, a free service.
Dominic Massaro at UCSB’s Media Arts & Technology Colloquium
Professor Dominic Massaro will give a presentation today on “Development and Evaluation of a Computer-Animated Tutor”. The talk will take place at UC Santa Barbara, Engineering I, Room 2114 at 4 pm.