Hypertext 2004 Call for Papers

Hypertext 2004, the Fifteenth International ACM Hypertext Conference, is the foremost international conference on hypertext and hypermedia. It will take place August 9-13, 2004 in Santa Cruz, California. They are currently seeking submissions pertaining to hypermedia and digital libraries, software engineering and the humanities.

{self}_representation 2003

A section of the {self}_representation 2003 show at Le Musee di-visioniste is an ongoing project called “My Mission.” “My Mission” is a collection of statements from artists. To participate, email info at e-musee-divisioniste dot org, subject line: My Mission, with a short text (less than 500 words) about how you see your mission as an artist.

INCUBATION3 Call for Proposals

Incubation3, the 3rd trAce International Symposium on Writing and the Internet, seeks to provide ideas, motivation, information, and discussion for the new media writing community. Speakers include Mark Amerika, Paul Brown, Alan Sondheim, Tim Wright, Talan Memmott, Kate Pullinger, and Stefan Schemat. To submit a proposal, visit http://trace.ntu.ac.uk/incubation. The deadline for proposals is December 1, 2003.


Gates (archive url: http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/davinio/GATES/gatesindex.htm) is a collaborative art experiment looking for creative, innovative entries.

LIFE 6.0 International Competition

LIFE 6.0 International Competition, sponsored by the Telefonica Foundation in Madrid, focuses on “art and artificial life.” They are looking for electronic art projects employing techniques such as digital genetics, autonomous robotics, computer viruses, artificial intelligence, avatars, evolving behaviors, and more. The deadline for submission is October 31, 2003.

VRCAI 2004

Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (archive URL: http://www.seagraph.org/vrcai2004) will be a forum to share the latest technological developments in the Virtual Reality Continuum. There will be an emphasis on how the technology can be applied to defense and military science, engineering, education, entertainment, and more. VRCAI is seeking submissions.


Web magazine Boomerang (archived url: www.boomeranguk.com) is seeking submissions for poetry, stories, hypermedia, Flash, webart, and more. Email subs at boomeranguk dot com for additional information.

Aspect Magazine

Aspect Magazine, a biannual DVD magazine of new media art, is accepting submissions for its Fall 2003 edition. This upcoming edition will feature artists from the west coast of the United States. Aspect is seeking curators, art critics, and members of the art community to help compile and comment on works by sending in a work of art on which they wish to provide audio commentary. For more information, email submissions at aspectmag dot com or visit the Aspect Magazine website.