Issue 4 of CTHEORY Multimedia is now available online. Titled NET NOISE, this issue features 11 net art pieces that investigate sound in digital culture.
This month’s issue of Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts is now available.
Writing in 3-D
“Writing in 3-D” is an article about Robert Coover and Talan Memmott, in Brown Alumni Magazine.
[R]-[R]-[F] Festival
Version 1 of [R]-[R]-[F] Festival has been launched. This ongoing project features work from artists worldwide, and it utilizes the Internet as an artistic, interculturally connected environment that is related to memory and forgetting.
Museum of the Essential and Beyond That
The Museum of the Essential and Beyond That contains a collection of essays in its library. If you have work that you would like to submit for publication, click here or email arteonline at arteonline dot arq dot br.
The June 2003 issue of Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts, is now available and features the poetry of Oswald Le Winter, winner of the 1997 International Rilke Prize for Poetry.
Grand Text Auto
Grand Text Auto is a new group blog created by Michael Mateas, Nick Montfort, Stuart Moulthrop, Andrew Stern and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. It is about various forms of computer generated works, including interactive fiction, netart, electronic poetry, digital fiction, games, and shared virtual environments.
Changes to the ELO Board of Directors
After serving on the ELO Board of Directors for several years, Mark Bernstein and Gene DeRose have resigned. Everyone involved in ELO thanks Mark and Gene for their support and guidance.
Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts, will enter its 11th year of publication with this month’s issue.
JavaMuseum is proud to launch, the last show in the “2nd of Java series.” features netart created by 48 artists from Latin American countries, Spain and Portugal.