Platform Studies Series Coming from MIT Press

Ian Bogost & Nick Montfort have announced a new MIT Press series,

Platform Studies

Investigating the relationships between the hardware and software design of computing systems and the creative works produced on those systems. The series will include books relevant to electronic literature, digital art, video games, and other sorts of creative computing.

The first book in the series is forthcoming in 2008:

Video Computer System: The Atari 2600 Platform
by Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost

For more about computing platforms and their relationship to new media, the new approaches which this series hopes to foster, examples of platforms, and answers to questions about the series concept, see the site:

Brown U. Electronic Writing Fellowship

Brown University’s Literary Arts department offers what may be the only MFA in writing for digital media. Brown also offers a generous fellowship specifically in this area, which provides two years of support to do your own work, participate in three writing workshops, and take four other Brown courses of your choice. Deadline this year: December 15th postmark.

E-Poetry 2007, Paris

The most important International Festival of Digital Poetry


Every two years, the E-Poetry series of Digital Poetry Festivals constitutes the most important digital literary gathering in the field. Authors and researchers worldwide meet and present their ideas and works. E-Poetry plays an essential role in the emergence of this new literary field, and provides a forum for the circulation of the ideas and the debates that animate it.

The festival has two facets: a university symposium and numerous artistic presentations.

The symposium will take place at the Université Paris VIII. It will permit researchers to present their latest research and for artists to premier their newest works. Symposium papers will be published by Hermès Science Publications.

Artistic events will take place at key Parisian venues, providing notable authors the opportunity to present their works to a public curious about new literary and artistic trends employing technology and communication.

E-poetry 2007 is organized by:

Opening Sunday, May 20. 2007.

Symposium and evening events: from Monday, May 21 to Wednesday, May 23, 2007.

The symposium will take place at the Université de Paris VIII (Saint-Denis), artistic works at le Cube and at Point Ephémère.

Organizers: Loss Pequeño Glazier, Philippe Bootz, Patrick-Henri Burgaud, Jean Clément, Alexandre Gherban

Information regarding the Symposium: philippe.bootz (at)

Information regarding Works: pburgaud (at)



Read this call in French or English

E-Lit Meetup at the MLA Convention

We’re writing to invite you to a meetup and happy hour at this year’s MLA for those with interests in electronic literature, new media arts, digital humanities, text-encoding, and related areas. We will have CD-ROMs to offer you of the Electronic Literature Organization’s latest free publication, the Electronic Literature Collection volume one. We’ll be meeting at the lobby bar of the Marriott Convention Center (the rotunda bar) at 5pm on Friday Dec. 29.

–Alan Liu, Nick Montfort

Poet Seeks Help Restoring Online Work

Jena Osman, poet and director of the Creative Writing Program at Temple University, needs help renovating a hypertextual interactive poem back into the ether. The poem is programmed in Perl and utilizes a Google image-search function. A stipend of $1500 will be available if research grant comes through. Contact josman at temple dot edu.

AUTOSTART Festival in Philly, Oct 26 & 27

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:.. = .= ..: d1scuss1on – open house – workshop – read1ng – tour – jam
: AUTOSTART – A Festival of Digital Literature
. Kelly Writers House, October 26 & 27
: Celebrating the Electronic Literature Collection, volume 1
: MACHINE series # Electronic Literature Organization
:=:#=:.#=::==.=….:…> Charles Bernstein
.#.=..=:#.=::===…:.:.> Jim Carpenter
::.=.==…::==:.=#:…#> Mary Flanagan
:#.:…:.:=#..=.=.=:==:> N. Katherine Hayles
:.=#:.===.:.:::.=..#..=> Daniel C. Howe
:=#:::=:.#:=.=.=….=..> Aya Karpinska
..:.==#==::#==:……:.> Aaron Levy
:#=.=..:..=.::=::#..==.> Marjorie Luesebrink
::=:=:…:=..#.==#.=.:.> Nick Montfort
…..:==::.=.#:.=.==#.:> Stuart Moulthrop
:=…=#:…:::=#===..:.> Jason Nelson
:#..=.==..:=.=..:#.=:::> Jena Osman
:..=.=.=.=#:=:#.:…=::> Bob Perelman
:::=..=:.===.:#:.=#….> Aaron A. Reed
:….:.:.===#=.:=:#=..:> Scott Rettberg
.==:.=…:..#.::=:.=.=#> Ron Silliman
.=…:=#.=:..=:..#.==::> Brian Kim Stefans
:#.::…=:.:.==.==:..#=> Stephanie Strickland
…=..=#=::=.=..:.:=:.#> Noah Wardrip-Fruin
: All events except the tour of Slought take place at the
: Kelly Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk, University of Pennsylvania,
. Philadelphia, PA
: 1:00-2:30 pm Discussion (Arts Cafe)
. A conversation about writing and literature in the digital
. age, featuring four prominent poets:
: > Charles Bernstein – University of Pennsylvania
: > Jena Osman – Temple University
: > Bob Perelman – University of Pennsylvania
: > Ron Silliman – Silliman’s Blog
: 2:30-5:30 pm The Open Machine Open House
: Electronic literature available for reading and discussion
: throughout the downstairs area, with guided tours at
. 3:30 pm & 4:30 pm by two Electronic Literature Collection,
: volume 1 edtitors:
: > Stephanie Strickland – New York City
: > Nick Montfort – University of Pennsylvania
: 4:00-5:30 pm Wet Digits Workshop
: An introductory workshop for those new to HTML and digital
: writing, led by the editors of The New Media Reader:
. > Noah Wardrip-Fruin – University of California, San Diego
: > Nick Montfort – University of Pennsylvania
: [[[ RSVP REQUIRED: contact ]]]
: 5:30-7:30 pm Reading (Arts Cafe)
: Presentations of electronic literature by Electronic
: Literature Collection, volume 1 contributors:
: > Mary Flanagan – Hunter College
: > Aya Karpinska – Brown University
: > Stuart Moulthrop – University of Baltimore
: > Aaron A. Reed – Salt Lake City
. > Noah Wardrip-Fruin – University of California, San Diego
: FRIDAY Oct 27
: 10:30-11:30 am Tour of Slought Foundation (4017 Walnut St)
. Slought Foundation broadly encourages new futures for
: contemporary life through public programs featuring
: international artists and theorists.
: > Aaron Levy – Slought Foundation Executive Director
. 1:00-4:00 pm Electronic Writing Jam (Room 202)
: A time to write collaboratively and to discuss forms,
: techniques, and technologies, hosted by:
: > Jim Carpenter – University of Pennsylvania
: Participants include readers and editors from AUTOSTART’s
: Thursday program as well as:
: > Daniel C. Howe – Brown University
: > Brian Kim Stefans – Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
: Participants by videoconference include two editors of
: the Electronic Literature Collection, volume 1:
. > N. Katherine Hayles – University of California, Los Angeles
: > Scott Rettberg – University of Bergen, Norway
: An editor of volume 2 and volume 1 contributor:
: > Marjorie Luesebrink – Irvine Valley College
: And volume 1 contributor:
. > Jason Nelson – Griffith University, Australia
: [[[ RSVP REQUIRED: contact ]]]
: The Electronic Literature Collection, volume 1 is edited by
: N. Katherine Hayles # Nick Montfort
: Scott Rettberg # Stephanie Strickland
: This volume features 60 digital selections by
: Jim Andrews # Ingrid Ankerson # babel # Giselle Beiguelman
: Philippe Bootz # Patrick-Henri Burgaud # J.R. Carpenter
: John Cayley # M.D. Coverley (Marjorie Luesebrink) # Martha Deed
. David Durand # escha # Damien Everett # Sharif Ezzat
: Edward Falco # Mary Flanagan # Marcel Fr’emiot
: Elaine Froehlich # geniwate # Loss Peque~no Glazier
: Kenneth Goldmith # Tim Guthrie # Richard Holeton
: Daniel C. Howe # Jon Ingold # Shelley Jackson # Michael Joyce
: Aya Karpinska # Robert Kendall # Deena Larsen
: Kerry Lawrynovicz # Donna Leishman # Bill Marsh # Talan Memmott
: Maria Mencia # Judd Morrissey # Brion Moss # Stuart Moulthrop
. Jason Nelson # Marko Niemi # Millie Niss # Lance Olsen
: Jason Pimble # William Poundstone # Kate Pullinger
: Melinda Rackham # Aaron A. Reed # Shawn Rider # Jim Rosenberg
: Megan Sapnar # Dan Shiovitz # Emily Short # Alan Sondheim
: Brian Kim Stefans # Reiner Strasser # Dan Waber
: Noah Wardrip-Fruin # Rob Wittig # Nanette Wylde
: The Collection will be available on the web and on CD-ROM under a
: Creative Commons license – see

Assistant Professor Position, UC San Diego Communication Dept.

The Department of Communication at the University of California, San Diego is seeking candidates to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, beginning July 1, 2007 focusing on communication as a social and institutional force with an emphasis on information and communication technology, and new media industries.

We invite applications from scholars working in such areas as:
telecommunication policy; labor and the “new” economy; local and global regulation of communications markets and infrastructures; information technology governance; the Internet and the emergence of digital communication networks; and communication in comparative, historical, and non-Western contexts.

The UCSD Department of Communication is interdisciplinary and seeks candidates with a critical approach to the role played by communication in economic, social, and political life. Critical examinations of race, class, gender, sexuality, and power are central to the traditions and concerns of our department.

Salaries are in accordance with UC pay scales. If non-citizen, please state immigration status. UCSD is an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. Applicants are invited to preview campus diversity resources and programs at the campus website for Diversity

Applicants are also invited to provide comments about his/her leadership activities and/or contributions to diversity.

Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2006, and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants should have, or expect to complete, a PhD by September, 2007. Send vita, statement of research and teaching interest, one work sample (such as a recent publication), and contact information for three references to:

Professor Gary Fields
Dept. of Communication (0503)
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0503

ELO Plugs into New Hub: MITH @ Maryland

The Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) has now established its new headquarters at The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the University of Maryland, College Park. The move, which has been made possible by sponsorship from MITH, the English department at Maryland, the College of Arts and Humanities, and the University Libraries, was completed this summer.

Neil Fraistat, director of MITH, said of the move: “In moving from UCLA to the University of Maryland, the ELO will provide MITH with a unique opportunity for a truly comprehensive program in the Digital Humanities, one that focuses equally on migrating electronically the cultural artifacts of the past and the production of the cultural artifacts of the future.” Thom Swiss, president of the ELO, added: “The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the University of Maryland, College Park, is internationally known and, together with the support of its campus partners in this venture, makes for the best possible home for the ELO because of our similar and now collaborative interests and ambitions.”

Founded in 1999 in Chicago, the ELO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization made up of writers, scholars, educators, and technologists dedicated to exploring how computers can be used for literary expression, and how born digital work can use the computer and the network to build on and extend the tradition of literature. Landmark events in the ELO’s short history include:

* The launch of the Electronic Literature Directory, an acclaimed
database-driven resource of information about electronic literature
maintained by authors and visited by thousands of readers;

* Readings of electronic literature and outreach events in Chicago,
New York, Seattle, Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Providence;

* The Electronic Literature Awards, which recognized exemplary works
of poetry and fiction and rewarded winners with substantial cash

* The State of the Arts Symposium, which united over one hundred
international writers, scholars, and publishers of electronic
literature at UCLA for two days of panels and presentations and
produced hard-copy proceedings; and

* The Preservation, Archiving, and Dissemination (PAD) project’s
publication of two reports, Acid-Free Bits: Recommendations for
Long-Lasting Electronic Literature and Born-Again Bits: A Framework
for Migrating Electronic Literature.

The ELO has an international network of directors, literary advisors,
and members. The organization’s university partners include the
University of Iowa, the University of Illinois Chicago, and the
University of Pennsylvania. After the headquarters of the ELO moves to
Maryland, partnerships with these universities, and the partnership
with UCLA, will continue, as will electronic literature readings,
events, and activities across the country.

The partnership between MITH and the ELO will help both organizations
pursue their related missions. The ELO will work, with MITH’s help, to
further its programs and its impact, both internationally and on the
Maryland campus.

Assistant Professor in Cultural Studies of Digital Media and Technology, University of Toronto at Mississauga

The Institute of Communication and Culture (ICC) at the University of Toronto at Mississauga seeks applications for a tenure-stream appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in Cultural Studies of Digital Media and Technology with an emphasis on Visual Cultural and Communication. The successful candidate will be associated with programs in the Centre for Visual and Media Culture (CVMC) and in Communication, Culture and Information Technology (CCIT). Appointment will begin on July 1, 2007.We are seeking a specialist with an emphasis on emerging media and technologies as well as demonstrated theoretical sophistication in cultural studies of digital media and technology with an emphasis on visual culture and communication.

Applications are invited from scholars in a variety of disciplines including cultural studies, media and communication studies, art history, visual culture, humanities in computing, information studies, science and technology studies, and comparative literature, among others. Humanities based scholars and those with interdisciplinary interests are preferred. Ph.D. required. The candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate courses in visual culture and communication (including the introductory course) as well as courses in the CCIT programs dependent on the candidate’s areas of interest.

(See full job call for more details)