Chats: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
- January 9, 2000
Topic: "What’s up with ELO?"
- January 26, 2000
Topic: "Collaboration" with Mez and Talan Memmott
- February 13, 2000
Topic: "Images and text" with Talan Memmott
- February 23, 2000
Topic: "The Dinner Party" with Marjorie Luesebrink
- March 18, 2000
Topic: "The ELO database" with Robert Kendall, Nick Traenkner, and Kurt Heintz
- March 29, 2000
Topic: "Usability" with Julianne Chatelaine
- April 8, 2000
Topic:"Interactivity and artificial intelligence in narration" with Andrew Stern
- April 26, 2000
Topic:"No Spectators: Performing art on the web" with Julie Chase
- May 13, 2000
Topic: Teaching CyberMedia with Meg Powers Livingston, Robert Kendall, Bill Bly, Richard Higgason, Bobby Arellano, and other elit teachers.
- May 24, 2000
Topic: The future of hypertext with participants from HT00.
- June 10, 2000
Topic: Celebrating E-zines with Jennifer Ley, Ed Buffaloe, and Marek Lugowski
- June 28, 2000
Topic: Technology and art with Electronic Easel participants
(note due to technical difficulties, this transcript is lost.)
- July 8, 2000
Topic: Literary agents and the new electronic media with Christian Crumlish
- July 25, 2000
Topic: Intimacies, information, politics –how hypermedia can foster a community, with Melinda Rackham.
- August 19, 2000
Topic: Telling stories on the web with Digital Storyteller Maggie Sokolik
- August 30, 2000
Topic: Everything you wanted to know about electronic publishing with Karen Wiesner
- September 09, 2000
Topic: Celebrate the new ELO features: Bulletin boards, Directory, and more with ROb Kendall, Nick Monfort, and others.
- September 27, 2000
Topic: Hamlet on the Holodeck–what’s happened since then? with Janet Murray
- October 15, 2000
Topic: Checking out electronic literature with Chris Rippel
- October 22 , 2000
Topic: Archiving electronic literature
- November 05 , 2000
Topic: Impermanence Agent with Noah Wardrip-Fruin, a.c. chapman, Brion Moss, and Duane Whitehurst
- November 19 , 2000
Topic: Writing erotic hypertexts with Adrienne Eisen
- December 3 , 2000
Topic: Wiping out hypertext expectations with Wendy Morgan
- December 17, 2000
Topic: Playing with hypertexts with Espen Aarseth